The harrassment and bullying of other individuals at the workplace or at school is a common phenominom as old as man. Whereever the are people, there are those who bully, harass, and in general, make life miserable for others by whatever means are available. This, unfortunately, includes computers, smartphones, and other types of electronic communication.
High-profile forms of cyber crime include child pornography, child grooming, cracking, hacking, copyright infringement, espionage, financial theft, invasion of privacy, and a host of other crimes.
Schools are a traditional hotbed of bullying, and attacks against other students and even teachers using Facebook, Twitter, websites, and other social media outlets are becoming sadly commonplace. Teachers have quit their jobs and students have committed suicide over cyberbullying incidents.
Law enforcement is trying to curb all types of cyber crime, but it is just so prevalent that every offender cannot be punished. But the attempt is being made, and as a result, there are a rising number of criminal cases pending against cyber criminals.
If you have been charged with a cyber crime, or Netcrime as it is often referred to, you will need qualified legal representation in order to protect your rights. Harrassment by electronic means is a relatively new charge, and as a result, there are any number of loopholes, exceptions, and lack of precedent that your an experienced lawyer can get your charged reduced or perhaps even dropped. Contact Attorney David B. Franks at 847-854-7700 if you need legal representation for this or similar crimes.