June 8, 2015 – Police in Downer’s Grove recently increased overnight patrols in the northwest part of the village in response to incidents of car vandalism. According to Downers Grove police, there have been eight incidents of cars having their tires slashed during the last two weeks. Other acts of vandalism include damage to basketball nets and a trampoline. Two 14-year old juveniles were arrested in connection with the crimes, and later confessed to having comitted them.
Downer’s Grove Juvenile Criminal Lawyer
Sometimes kids make mistakes, and sometimes those mistakes can result in criminal charges. However, because juvenile courts provide youth with specific rights, they are more likely to get a second chance based on the premise that, compared to adults, juveniles are more likely to change criminal behavior patterns. The Illinois juvenile justice system maintains rehabilitation as its primary goal and as such, juveniles are also offered certain additional protections under the law, such as the right against self-incrimination, the right to call witnesses, and are protected against reprisal and public opinion through stronger confidentiality and privacy laws. Juveniles also have a right to legal representation; given this, it is adviseable to retain the services of an experienced Juvenile lawyer to ensure that all legals rights and protections are observed. If you are in need of an experienced Juvenile Lawyer who will fight zealously for your child’s rights, contact Attorney David B. Franks today for a free, confidential consultation.
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